Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Why do different forex brokers have different prices

Why do different forex brokers have different prices

why do different forex brokers have different prices

However the main thing that creates difference in charts is time on your brokers server. Sometimes 2 different brokers can have 2 different times set on their servers and you can see that difference on 4 hour or daily candle. It is because price charts represents change of price 12/12/ · Different brokers have different liquidity providers which provide them different pricing. And the pricing also includes broker's own profits in it, so. Trading Discussion 6/6/ · The number one and root reason why prices differ from feed to feed is because of markets. Each asset trades in a specific market or markets. Assets like options, futures, commodities and forex may trade in dozens of markets around the blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins

Different Prices – My Charts Are Not the Same As My Brokers!

It only takes a minute to sign up. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. at the NASDAQ website. this market data APIwhich has excatly the same values as NASDAQ. How much in fees do you pay? See, "real" brokers charge all kinds of fees for every transaction and list them all separately - and are thus not allowed to modify prices.

Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. Why does my broker have slightly different prices? Ask Why do different forex brokers have different prices. Asked 2 years, 2 months ago.

Active 2 years, 2 months ago. Viewed 2k times. I took a look at the closing price of NDAQ of the day 04 26 at the NASDAQ websitethis market data APIwhich has excatly the same values as NASDAQ, open broker online-brokerage real-time-quotes.

Improve this question. asked Apr 29 '19 at user user 39 2 2 bronze badges. Is there any chance that your XTB quote is from after hours trading which continues after regular trading ends? That could be, yeah. But the I can't buy and sell after-hours from them as seen by the blacked out buttons and they still quote the after-hours? I can't explain what happens across the pond. Here, why do different forex brokers have different prices, in the US, trading continues after regular hours ends at 4 PM EST.

Some brokers do not offer after hours trading and some that do require that one be approved for it. They might not continue providing quotes after 4 PM unless they offer that service. I mean the quoted price is during the day seems to be mostly between the buy and sell price.

Could it be just the spread of the broker? Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. Becuse your broker is not a broker but a CFD bucket shop and that is HOW THEY EARN MONEY.

Heck, they even say so on their website. Buying a CFD! Improve this answer. answered Apr 29 '19 at TomTom TomTom 1. If XTB executes securities trades, they're a broker. Do you know for a fact that XTB is a bucket shop or are you basing that conclusion on the question posed? But there is NDAQ tagged as STC, and another tagged as STC CFD. Per Investopedia, "XTB provides access to a variety of markets such as forex, shares, indices, metals, commodities and even cryptocurrencies.

The company is regulated in the UK and registered with the Financial Conduct Authority FCA. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Sign up using Facebook.

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What is forex broker and the types of brokers we have

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Forex Broker Commission vs Spread Explained

why do different forex brokers have different prices

12/12/ · Different brokers have different liquidity providers which provide them different pricing. And the pricing also includes broker's own profits in it, so. Trading Discussion 8/31/ · Its a well known fact that some brokers filter their data while others do not or some are slower than others in getting the data from the exchanges also depends on how many middle man (data servers or whatever its called) is between the exchange and your broker 6/6/ · The number one and root reason why prices differ from feed to feed is because of markets. Each asset trades in a specific market or markets. Assets like options, futures, commodities and forex may trade in dozens of markets around the blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins

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